Transfer Pricing


Requisites for Transfer Pricing Regulations in India

Since 1991, with the liberalization of trade and foreign exchange policy India has started integrating its economy with global economy. This has led to increased cross border flow of goods, services, funds and even intangibles. There was a large inflow of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Monetary controls were relaxed and quantitative import barriers were lifted. Obviously, with the growing MNEs interested in India, it has become imperative for tax authorities in India to take cognizance of transfer pricing issues. It is relevant to note that many of the Indian companies have also become large global players with major acquisitions in recent past and with overseas subsidiaries in many tax jurisdictions


Transfer Pricing in India- FAQs

When do the transfer pricing regulations apply to a business?
When two or more associated companies enter into a mutual contract during an international transaction in order to apportion a particular cost incurred in relation with a benefit, service or facility offered by any one or all of the companies, such a cost shall be calculated considering the arm’s length price of the particular benefit, service, or facility, as applicable

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